Thursday, March 31, 2005


Almost time for bed...

I just got back from Cafe Coco and I must say I had a LOVELY

I went with Grey...we talked for the longest about humanity and evolution and a bunch of other was great...

We also talked about what is missing in my life...and it dawned on me....when I became deppressed on September 5th 2003 for my own private reasons, I gave my goals up....I gave up on school and I gave up on what I wanted to do in college....I began worrying about the present and forgot about my future....

Where do I see myself in 10 years doing what Im currently doing? I see myself....doing the exact same thing!

I do not want that....I feel that Im missing out on college, I feel im missing out on too many experiences that I cannot afford to miss...Im tired of growing up so fast...and I feel that I AGAIN have to make a drastic lifestyle change...

I need to sit down with my mom and dad...

let them know that my interest in university is back!

Move back with my parents/or find a room mate to help me with bills

and then go for it!

now I want to stay in MTSU and all that is out of the question...

Im thinking Belmont....though I dont know what they have to offer in the film department...

Im pretty sure I want to major in Film and Psychology...


hopefully when I wake up tommorrow I will be equally as motivated...

There is a spider on my wall so I am going to kill it!

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