Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday Monday

Its not Monday but it feels like one
Im feeling a bit blue
eventhough I hate that expression

I felt like giving up again today
and leave it all.

As quickly as I get excited about something
The feelings seems to wither away
and I dont recall how it is I saw the light in the first place.

I called my mom today
like I do on mondays when I feel this way
i realized today
I can no longer take comfort in those words from the womb
she no longer knows me the way I know myself.
the battle is mine to fight.

I felt like screaming today
Monday makes me feel that way sometimes.
I dont know where time will lead in the days to come
I want to understand the patterns of my feelings
and return to LA.

And then I hear a voice.
"Center yourself and refocus"
Its that voice of wisdom that visits me from time to time
I know what I have to find
it's not heaven or hell
it exist within

I am here and there at the same time.
find the center...

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