My favorite day of the week:)
Havent written in a couple days but really....Ive just been up to the same normal stuff...
Wednesday I went to Jacksons with Robin then hung out here for a was peoples Xanga's all night lol...
Me and Claire talked about the other day how its not really neccesary to keep in touch with anyone just read their xanga...and leave them a comment now and then...and thats all! lol
The rest of the day is now a blur....
and all I remember of yesterday is going to Logans with Bill....and then going to his house to go over my budget...I am so excited about starting to save like...actually gives me daily goals...:) (I know I sound like a dork)
When I came home last night....this dude was walking in front of my house.....a descent looking guy...late 40's...didnt think anything of it (seeing it was 1am)
So I get out of the car and he is like..." you have a phone?" I told him yeah and I let him use it....he then told me how his car got towed, he has no money and his wife is out of town" I was like...Im sorry? then he tells me he live in Hillsboro Village...and since thats down the street...I was like...." prob....I can take you there" and so I do...and we get there...and he is like...."Just drop me off at the church, I'll walk...." so I do...and he is like....listen man Im not a bum or anything but do you have any money? and im I dont have any cash (and I really didnt) and he is like...oh man...and was completly freaking out on the passanger I was kinda scared....I thought I was doing the right I was a little afraid that I was gonna get robbed or he is like.....I dont even have my ATM card (trying to hint into me using mine) and so Im like...listen man I dont have any money but I have this change here....let me give it to you, go use that pay phone to call your wife I drop him off at the gas station and I sped off lol
so yeah....
I went to work today and work in general sucked...but then I got some great news from my bosses.... They called me into their office and they are like....."We would like to offer you a position in a service resolution desk" I was cheesin' instantly...I was like...really!?!? and they were like...your interview was very impressive and your attitude and hard work tell us that you are a very good choice....ofcourse I accepted....Im so excited....
I get to keep the same hours, I get more $$$, PLUS I will like doing this job 20 times more! Its the greatest news I have gotten in a while....made me feel great that they chose ME over everyone else....I LIE...there were 2 positions...and this other girl got the other one....but STILL!!!!
so Im very happy....
I was driving home...because from past experiences I know that for some reason fate does not like me being happy...and when something good happens...something has to fuck it Im driving down 440 almost home! this fucking cop has been following me since I left work....i DONT have insurance AND my tags are Im like....well shit I bet this will be the bad news! but NO....I get off on the 21st ave exit and he keeps going....I turn on my street....I see my house....I park! and Im like...YEY Im home!!! next thing I know....POP!!! my fucking right tire goes flat.....I swear.....I was like SON OF A BITCH!.....fucking weird! I KNEW some shit like that would
but its ok....Im still happy....