Last night was graduation!!! :)
it was great, finally free from school! once I was walking away from the building I realized I was probably never gonna see so many of those people again! sadness lasted a few seconds...
Shanti was late to the ceremony, I was beginning to worry about her...I felt really bad that I didn't get an honors cord! if only I would have done well the last semester I would of gotten it... :(
After graduation my whole family wanted to go out to eat, but in the area we were in we couldn't really think of anywhere to go, and in our area the only thing was O'charleys and Ruby we went to O'charleys and their wait was like 45 we didn't stay...we went by Pargos and decided to eat there...none of us had ever been and there was no wait!
the food was good, service very good, we all liked it....I was really tired for some reason, I didn't really feel like going to any parties, so I just came home, got online for a few and went to bed...
Billy had called me telling me he couldn't come to graduation because he had to take his mom to the emergency room, so I was concerned about that...but turns out his mom is ok, but there was something else going on....he actually called me this morning and told me what it was...
I was sexing my gerbils this morning because btw Laqueisha had 4 more I put one of the baby girls from the last litter of gerbils in with laquisha and her new babies and all of the sudden Laqueisha freaks and starts chasing her and biting her (so it seems)...could have been excited and way I took her out...
I guess Im gonna need a new cage...
there were actually 5 baby gerbils but one died....:( lets have a moment of silence......
R.I.P. Kenesha Molesha Renne Jr.
Today I plan on cleaning my gerbils cage...and....I dont know...seems all I ever do is just something with the gerbils...Im such a loser!! I wanna go to Billy's today but he sounds kinda who knows...
Ill update later